Built by educators, for educators, the LeadLearn Cycle gets to the heart of what makes an outstanding educator; collaboration, reflective practice and a growth mindset. We walk shoulder to shoulder with educators, inspiring new possibilities and harnessing collective wisdom.

What is LeadLearn?

What are we in the business of?

Education – The LeadLearn Cycle

Why do we exist?

Improve student outcomes through the provision of exceptional professional learning.

The benefits to our customers?

We provide individualised, on site, researched based professional learning in an educational setting.

What is LeadLearn?

What are we in the business of?

Education – The LeadLearn Cycle

Why do we exist?

Improve student outcomes through the provision of exceptional professional learning.

The benefits to our customers?

We provide individualised, on site, researched based professional learning in an educational setting.

ACS is an eight-week deep dive into the coaching mentality. It synthesises advancements in the field while empowering coaches to build resilience to handle the intense pressures of their career through the support and mentorship of peers who simply ‘get it’.

The magic of ACS is the cross-sporting-code format of the group, which is handpicked so strictly only one team is represented from each code. This creates the unique trusting environment needed to fast-track collaboration and learning.  ACS members benefit from invaluable wisdom and insights from their peers. Facilitators survey the coaches’ players to gather authentic feedback that is used to customise each coach’s learning journey.

Coaches learn techniques to continue the practices of self-reflection and problem-solving for the rest of their lives. The benefits flow on to their players, their organisations and their loved ones. Conducted remotely via Microsoft Teams, the ACS fits into the schedules of sports’ busiest professionals. There are also opportunities for members to meet face to face, health guidelines allowing, including a conference planned for October 2021.

Why we started ACS

ACS was founded in 2020 by action-based learning trainer and lifelong sports fan Matt Wadewitz, who has observed more than 1000 educators and leaders, and has for the past five years been working closely with high-profile AFL coaches.

Matt saw that elite-level coaches were missing an opportunity to discuss the big issues in their jobs with others who ‘walk in their shoes’ in a mutually supportive, non-competitive environment.

With COVID-19 restrictions accelerating the shift to video conferencing, Matt recognised it was the perfect moment to launch ACS – an innovative way to deliver the evidence-based learning strategies he had long used and harness the collective brainpower of a group with decades of experience.

Why LeadLearn?

For educators

  • Individualised, onsite, professional learning for educators
  • Enhanced collaboration, reflective practice and student or staff voice
  • Improved practice by educators and measurable growth of staff or student agency (self- efficacy)

For educators

  • Individualised, onsite, professional learning for leaders and teams
  • Enhanced collaboration, reflective practice and team empowerment
  • Improved leadership, teamwork and measurable growth of staff capacity and satisfaction

For educators

  • Individualised, onsite, professional learning for coaches
  • Enhanced collaboration, reflective practice, and team empowerment
  • Improved coaching and measurable growth of player capacity and satisfaction
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Are you ready to take the next step?

Improve student outcomes through the provision of exceptional professional learning.
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